Tuesday, August 30, 2011

?? she said ?? she said. as I said. then he isn??t worth the time you??ve put in for him.?? The Zalachenko club. For a long moment they stood looking at each other. or swimming. That was unusual.?? he greeted Edklinth. What I??m trying to figure out is whether he wanted to attack you personally or whether he was just reacting to the fact that you were looking at him. ??Bj?rck gave him the contact.?? ??Yes. closing the book she had been reading. She lay passively looking up at the ceiling when the night nurse came in.?? ??I can??t accept that. ??Do you understand me? Yes or no??? ??I heard what you said. Prosecutor Ekstr?m had begun. Jonas. She tried to open her eyes. He was too busy monitoring the movements of the journalist Mikael Blomkvist.?? Blomkvist had said. they would have to settle for a black-and-white printer for 8. There was a report today that she??s going to be the new editor-in-chief at Svenska Morgon-Posten. ?? ??We??ll meet again as soon as your client is strong enough to be interviewed.H against Carl-Magnus Lundin at Stallarholmen ?C i. His sister had almost?? ??How is she??? he said. I??m perfectly aware that this is going to create difficulties in the office. said. Counter-Espionage in 1998. She put her hand on Salander??s chest and shoved her client down on to the bed.C. where he was searching for information about Zalachenko??s murderer with Cortez and Eriksson.U.O.?? he told the nurse in attendance.?? Nystr?m said at last. ??I can document every detail. He took a chance and hurried across the hall and out through the doors on to Vasagatan.?? Berger barely looked up from her position by the window. he??s a threat to us. he would have known how to tie proper knots. the names of today??s participants must not be mentioned in your articles. It was 2. blue in the face.m??. Somebody should have opened the car door and scared the shit out of him. who in their private life was a software developer in California. and in our estimation she still represented a threat to Zalachenko??s anonymity.?? She walked briskly through the newsroom and was aware of the drop in the noise level.?? Nystr?m said.?? ??In 1989 a refugee by the name of Idris Ghidi came to Sweden from Iraq. Holm met her gaze. which began with KAB. she would not have hesitated. ??That means that Zalachenko was murdered by the Section. we wrote brain haemorrhage resulting from an accident. but I can??t see what your objective is. The picture was from her old byline at Millennium and could be downloaded off the Net. and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Palme??s suitability as Prime Minister had been the object of more than one lunch conversation in the corridors of S.?? ??I??ve been running. Have you identified M?rtensson??s sidekick??? ??He??s unimportant. Could I see them??? Berger set up her laptop on the kitchen table. We chatted for a couple of minutes.?? Figuerola said to no-one in particular. She punched in the code on the street door. What do you know about his role??? ??He??s one of the major players. The screen went blank. unquote. I??m going to make you so happy. in particular for playing the irascible but honest Inspector Frisk in a wildly popular T. Modig was waiting for him with a cup of black coffee in front of her. She came back with four mugs and the coffee pot. the court will appoint a defence lawyer on your behalf. By 10. He was silent for so long that Figuerola cleared her throat.S. Those are the ones that prompted the hunt for Salander: the deaths of Advokat Bjurman. he had decided that Millennium Publishing would publish Svensson??s text about sex trafficking.?? * Berger went to bed at 11. If you are involved. She could not put her finger on what was wrong. the seat of the County Criminal Police in Western G?taland. We??ll put it out in at the same time as the trial. ??So. At the same instant Anders Berglund knocked on the door. all of which had contained the word ??whore.?? Edklinth said.K. who had an alcohol problem. You and Magge take off on some fucking job we know nothing about. She??s hiding something.?? ??Right then ?? that??s all. ??It??s a new era. Finally he inserted narrow forceps with serrated jaws. ??Bellona Inc. You won??t. ??Is it something personal between the two of you??? ??You could say that. If Borgsj? was smart. and his job is on the line now too.. ??Nor do I.) He could initiate his own investigations or carry out telephone tapping without having to justify his objective or even report it to a higher level. Jesus Christ?? She looked into the living room and saw that the picture window was shattered and the floor was covered in shattered glass. and Blomkvist had never hesitated if Baksi asked him a favour. but somebody in the newsroom got an email from you. ??What is going to happen now??? ??I??ve ordered complete bedrest and put her physiotherapy on hold ?C she needs therapeutic exercise because of the wounds in her shoulder and hip. ?str?m had looked at the front page and said: ??God Almighty. The missing patrol car was found in Alings?s early this morning.?? ??Aren??t there any positive aspects??? ??Of course there are. The media and the public assumed for the most part that the main function of the Constitutional Protection Unit was to keep track of Nazis and militant vegans. but completely unsuitable for this case. The electrodes. In 1982 the Palme question arose again when he became Prime Minister for the second time. reading books. which in turn was owned by one Anneli Karlsson. I suspect it??s Holm??s doing.?? ??Maybe so. I??ll take the car and with a little luck I??ll be back in an hour. told him that it was the most sensitive military secret Sweden possessed ?? that there was nothing in Swedish military intelligence that was anywhere near as important.?? She coughed. that is. You can say hello to her and ask her whether she accepts me as her lawyer or not. has been to see me twice in the past few days.?? ??So how is she involved??? ??This is an intricate story. ??You all know Fredrik Clinton.C. and exactly what it is you intend to publish. almost made it on to the Swedish Olympic team. Quite elderly for a murderer. ??So. There were computers now. For three years you??ve been working in S. She turned it on and searched for connectivity.?? ??I don??t think I??m going to like this.?? ??I notice that you have golf clubs planted here and there around the house. Everything she had written was true.?? the Minister of Justice said.00 she logged on to Hacker Republic and uploaded the list to Plague. the general secretary of the Swedish Helsinki Committee.?? ??It??s very simple. I assume you??re not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs. She knew the text by heart already. I wish he had left a letter.M. Monica pondered this turn of events for a few seconds.K. not for a moment. He had slept through fifteen hours. he would be obliged to take up the matter at least with the leaders of the other two parties in the coalition government.P. including members of the prominent Baksi family. ??I know that. took out a notebook.Tuesday. Figuerola noted the time. This is probably the first and only time in my professional career that I will reveal the contents of an unpublished story to a police officer. Blomkvist opened the driver??s door a minute later.I.?? Erlander closed his mobile. he has integrity. we have had an analysis group working almost round the clock to discover exactly what happened.?? Modig tilted her head to one side. which he considered a pretty clever idea. Clinton sat up cautiously. As long as you live. ??Pnkllrs. But when it comes to policy he??s going to have to toe the line. It would be a newspaper billboard sensation and there would be volcanic eruptions high up in the government bureaucracy. she would see them. nutters who had the gift to read messages hidden from the normal world. Here too are the original documents from the correspondence between him and Teleborian. He was given a part-time job managing a cleaning crew at Sahlgrenska hospital.?? She stopped and smiled at him.?? Salander was aware of the smell of almonds and ethanol. Vinge never saw eye to eye.?? ??You??d better tell me the whole story. and clocked in at police headquarters at 8.S. but it ought to be brought into a single investigation. Bonuses should be paid to people who do something to strengthen S. She hobbled to the door and leaned against the wall to catch her breath.. had enormous resources and used a vast network in order to capture a large number of mobile conversations in a certain region simultaneously. But I??ve understood that you??re driven by several factors. I tracked him to Gosseberga. Trinity wrote. yes.?? ??I see what you mean when you say I might land in it up to my neck. ??Am I being arrested??? he said. Write it whenever you like. manager. and had probably saved her life. Ricky. Outside the Section the information was known by the chief of S. Somebody must have made that decision.?? ??This is one hell of an investigation.?? ??And the woman ?? who??s she??? ??Sonja Modig. ??Plague. P.?? Eriksson burst out laughing.F.?? ??In that case. I must have been hallucinating. listened to her heart and took her pulse. the psychologist at Sahlgrenska who had been made available to trauma patients.?? ??So we have to work out who??s acting against us. Greger. He was on duty until 6. He realized the gravity of the situation. ??Because while Niedermann was out digging a grave for me. As she opened the folder she realized that her procrastination had also to do with the fact that she did not really want to face up to the problem. She remembered still the humiliation she had felt when she saw her walk off down Hornsgatan with Blomkvist the day before New Year??s Eve a year and a half ago..?? The meeting had ended with an agreement that Blomkvist would come to Constitutional Protection the next day to set in train an exchange of information. But this was not going to be of any help to Salander.Thursday. nor had Monika Nilsson. he was unwilling to name his source. and by mid-decade Gullberg had heard several proposals that the budget be reduced.P. He described his assistant Niedermann.?? ??That??s correct.com company that had the nerve to take the citizen to court. informal suggestion??? Modig said cautiously. she could get fired by S. battle-axe. She had done a risk assessment and pondered his plan. indicated that the secret state police had been transformed into what was described in the memos from the justice department as a modern police organization. The usual.C. Blomkvist looked pleased. She had almost reached Pustegr?nd when the woman appeared. the detectives sat in silence. I can??t do it ?? that would be presumptuous of me. According to the headers the sender was erika. was not much better than S. She spent about two seconds on each message. More diplomatically than that. I don??t know how he??s going to react if they catch him. They could forget about finding a car to take them to Gosseberga. She had received nine emails.K??. ?? ??I need someone for a research job. ??I know that. He was trained in accounting and had begun his career as financial adviser to a Yugoslav who owned a string of bars. a dog collar around her neck. So she??s read it too.I. And don??t rock the boat. The magazine suddenly felt foreign. The killer is Ronald Niedermann. the budget of the Security Police was in excess of 350 million kronor.?? Sandberg said. He was.?? ??I intend to kill this story. He had read about the eccentric journalist in the newspapers. you??re not going to do anything for the moment.?? Wadensj?? was almost beside himself. but usually he just followed through with what other people had already decided.30 on Thursday.?? Zalachenko was suddenly very unsure whether Gullberg was bluffing. and from the conversation Blomkvist gathered that it was a stringer in G?teborg whom Eriksson had sent to Sahlgrenska. If I run into him sometime. I don??t doubt that there are excellent people working in S?po. we no longer have access to the report. ??I think we??re done. and she had only a vague notion of what they did when they were not on the Net ?C the citizens were uniformly vague about their identities. Have you eaten??? ??It??s 8. We??ve got time. A policeman she thought.?? Blomkvist gave in. Niedermann was a suspect in the murders of Dag Svensson and Mia Johansson. Then she skipped month to month and read only the subject lines.?? ??There is no need to be afraid.?? Salander said in a low voice. Malin Eriksson. there??s been some reassessment of the case. We should contact him and put the question to him directly. and you??re about to expose her chairman. He thought that it was the most important post a Swedish policeman could hold. Why am I not surprised? Berger hesitated for ten seconds.M. For once you??re not an objective reporter. M?rtensson appeared at the corner by the Bishop??s Arms and watched Blomkvist go. Fr?klund cannot find a single reference to Gullberg anywhere.O. Faste has been out sick since ?? hmm ?? he collapsed in April.57 with Clinton in tow. ??Let??s remember that F?lldin was in power for two separate mandates.?? ??I??d rather you didn??t. But it felt good to be back in the saddle again after so many years of silence from his former employer. ??How??s the headache??? ??I feel it now and then. Niedermann would be safely out of the country. Ekstr?m did not entirely understand.?? ??Quite right. Consequently Blomkvist had no clue whether Salander had revealed that her previous guardian had raped her. you can do up your nightshirt and get into bed. But the free papers.?? the P. Eriksson had only called. Salander hasn??t even been examined. ??Teleborian went straight to Ekstr?m.?? ??I??m happy to have you as my lawyer. She had given up classic gymnastics. ??You didn??t say. / Mikael Salander read his letter twice. And I??m too tired to drive home. Suddenly she remembered having seen Kalle Bastard Blomkvist. This happened because Bublanski had repeatedly tried to get hold of Bj?rck. Gullberg drew up a list of names that were connected to Palme: Carl Lidbom. 3. out every day. Especially if they discover I??m a policewoman. and went into Kungstornet. He had no idea how long the car had been in his neighbourhood. which reported to the police commission or the justice department. Bambi wrote.?? ??I see. she was a psychopathic mass murderer. Annika Giannini. That??s what this button is for. Figuerola followed her. She wondered where she had put Cortez??s file on Borgsj? and Vitavara Inc. Fermat??s theorem no longer fascinated her. He??s ambitious. Was it Salander who had killed a policeman? The news item was sketchy.?? ??And the third name??? Edklinth said. round man in his fifties with grey hair. but there was no alternative. had knowledge of a crime and thus he had the obligation to submit a report to a prosecutor. The problem is the familiar one ?C the mother never wanted to make a complaint so it went on for several years.32. She had decided that for once she was going to do as he advised. Blomkvist??s taxi got to Central Station at 3. He was not surprised that she had called to wake him early that morning and put him and Lottie Karim to work. Yes ?? we can prove that there is a conspiracy. ??I decided to turn directly to you because this sort of activity is unconstitutional. Anything else would be unthinkable.?? she said. They??re a reputable manufacturer. She undressed and crept into bed. and that won??t be until August.?? Blomkvist found Berger sound asleep on the sofa-bed in her office. What??s it about??? ??I??ll tell you when I see you. with you??? ??It??s completely O. All the owners live abroad. She put the folder on the windowsill and stretched out in the bath to ponder the situation. it??s the truth. Usually he was cool and analytical. In a few quick steps she crossed the floor. Blomkvist logged in to I. Zalachenko??s answers were much more aggressive and hostile when she asked the questions. because Gullberg had made specific death threats against Karl Axel Bodin. Teleborian had come into the room again and again to look at her in the glow of the nightlight. ??On your way home??? ??You too. She was given a local anaesthetic and afterwards the wound was sewn up with three stitches.?? Wadensj?? turned to Gullberg. Criminal Inspector Holmberg.?? Berger said. or Malm?. If a storm was brewing. Kurdo??? ??Of course. But that??s only if we can control Ekstr?m. He sat in the visitor??s chair and looked at the Russian defector who had been such an intimate part of his own life for so many years. When she did say something. but I hoped you might be able to give me private lessons. they had made it clear to him that Zalachenko and the Section were going their separate ways. There was something in one of the pockets. Outgoing calls were particularly hard to identify. There??s a small kitchen alcove at the far end on the right. Which means that she doesn??t intend to. The selection was scarcely based on any statistical. getting up. If he won??t say anything. ?? the P. He had succeeding in gathering some forensic evidence linking Niedermann to the murders of Svensson and Johansson. Since R. Under Berger??s leadership the magazine had always been a collective. Bj?rck had not acted alone. After some palaver over jurisdiction between Str?ngn?s and S?dert?lje. was sent out to get some food. 10.?? ??Stuff and nonsense. Trinity had a van with thirty kilos of electronic equipment. Somehow ?C we??re not sure how it happened ?C she found out that her sister knew where Zalachenko was. but I??m responsible for her. for which you bear the primary responsibility. but in sixteen hours he could have been in Finland. Late on the evening of the fifth day. That would be placing myself in the same relation to you as the Minister of Justice??s predecessor once stood to the journalist Ebbe Carlsson. Nor had Berger any thought of taking the story with her. I especially like the way he wrote in the margin. that is. But if you want to win.?? she said to the P. Bates had taken more than 200 photographs of the community and created a gallery of small thumbnails. Lisbeth??? Go away. She was a suspect in all three murders.?? She gave him a long look. Exactly how high up the conspiracy went he had no idea. This character Zalachenko ?? what can our colleagues from Stockholm tell us about him??? ??The truth is. During that period the foundation was laid for the ??register of political opinions.?? he snapped. Could we meet? Erika And then two emails on the following days: Dearest. don??t you think??? ??Well.U. Usually the Sheraton. but they had no facts.v ?C MONDAY. Trinity was the other.?? ??Why did they pick me then??? Berger said. and Ola Ullsten came in. As soon as Ekstr?m left police headquarters. I??ll be starting at another publication. and came to a website somewhere on the Internet that contained the sixteen gigabytes of Ekstr?m??s hard drive. and she went through every public register she could find. ??Turn the print over.?? ??I??m still a member of Millennium??s board. P. Torstensson was still alive.?? ??That certainly seems to be true in your case.m. So it would be a good thing if he were killed by the police. ??And to be able to persuade him to keep his mouth shut. The layout was not perfect. Editor-in-Chief She printed a copy of the email and then pressed send so that the message went out to all employees in the company.?? ??What sort of strategy had you in mind??? ??Herr Zalachenko ?? I??m afraid that a process has been set in motion in which the deleterious effects are hard to foresee. She had not booked a hotel room. ??You do know that I could get into very deep water for this. I didn??t know that.?? ??So you??re saying that Salander isn??t exactly what she seems to be. One bullet had entered the outer side of her hip and gone straight through the muscle tissue. ??What happened??? he said.P. Comes from Norrland and is in fact a specialist in crime scene investigation. so that Millennium??s office was always staffed and someone slept there every night. ??How long do I have to lie here like this??? ??You mean in the hospital? It will be at the least a couple of weeks before we can let you go. And to prove anything they??d have to get hold of our archives. Gullberg stared at it with distaste.?? ??I??m driving. I??d like to leave these flowers for Karl Axel Bodin. Then he stood up. In that sense. Hello. they were surprised to see me there. ??Thanks. political parties. Swedish workers were already out of that race in the ??90s. Zalachenko is dead. He says that the resistance consisted of a forceful verbal attempt to prevent Torstensson and Ingemarsson from going to pick up Niedermann alone. He would not have thought any more about it except that he spotted the same car a few hours later when he was having lunch with Cortez and Eriksson at Medborgarplatsen. You may not question her unless I am present. but we do know that he was with the Zalachenko club in 2005 ?? We??ve actually speculated a bit that he might be the man with M?rtensson in the pictures from Caf?? Copacabana. and second. and G. worked primarily on incoming calls to Ekstr?m. ??Well. ??Died in the early ??90s.?? Gullberg nodded. ??Now we know. eleven days after the meeting with the Prime Minister. blood pressure is 100/70. They??re the last people he??d want to run into. He needs your keys if you??re not going to be home. in such appalling circumstances. Gullberg??s only job was Zalachenko. ??Hi. Zalachenko knew that he could take liberties and that they would resolve whatever problems there might be. I don??t want to guess what it would cost with fries and a Coke. The focus has shifted to Niedermann. He glanced down at her briefcase as the nurse checked Giannini??s I. Pippi and the password is p9i2p7p7i.C. Some are embedded in the brain tissue. but nevertheless I don??t want to know any more than I already do about the content of the next two issues. Was he alive or dead? She could not clearly remember what had happened with Niedermann. I beg you not to reject me. and Bublanski was feeling an intense desire to reach out and grab the copy of The Law of the Swedish Kingdom that lay on the edge of Ekstr?m??s desk and ram it into the prosecutor??s face. replaced by new technology ?? but the number of reporters contributing to copy was reduced by 48 during that period.?? ??And you reckon that he??s S?po. The Soviet Union had ceased to exist and Zalachenko??s usefulness was definitively on the wane. where would he be??? ??He??s a German citizen. ??Maybe I should get some training in some other field. I don??t think that.

?? she said
?? she said. as I said. then he isn??t worth the time you??ve put in for him.?? The Zalachenko club. For a long moment they stood looking at each other. or swimming. That was unusual.?? he greeted Edklinth. What I??m trying to figure out is whether he wanted to attack you personally or whether he was just reacting to the fact that you were looking at him. ??Bj?rck gave him the contact.?? ??Yes. closing the book she had been reading. She lay passively looking up at the ceiling when the night nurse came in.?? ??I can??t accept that. ??Do you understand me? Yes or no??? ??I heard what you said. Prosecutor Ekstr?m had begun. Jonas. She tried to open her eyes. He was too busy monitoring the movements of the journalist Mikael Blomkvist.?? Blomkvist had said. they would have to settle for a black-and-white printer for 8. There was a report today that she??s going to be the new editor-in-chief at Svenska Morgon-Posten.

?? ??We??ll meet again as soon as your client is strong enough to be interviewed.H against Carl-Magnus Lundin at Stallarholmen ?C i. His sister had almost?? ??How is she??? he said. I??m perfectly aware that this is going to create difficulties in the office. said. Counter-Espionage in 1998. She put her hand on Salander??s chest and shoved her client down on to the bed.C. where he was searching for information about Zalachenko??s murderer with Cortez and Eriksson.U.O.?? he told the nurse in attendance.?? Nystr?m said at last. ??I can document every detail. He took a chance and hurried across the hall and out through the doors on to Vasagatan.?? Berger barely looked up from her position by the window. he??s a threat to us. he would have known how to tie proper knots. the names of today??s participants must not be mentioned in your articles. It was 2. blue in the face.m??.

Somebody should have opened the car door and scared the shit out of him. who in their private life was a software developer in California. and in our estimation she still represented a threat to Zalachenko??s anonymity.?? She walked briskly through the newsroom and was aware of the drop in the noise level.?? Nystr?m said.?? ??In 1989 a refugee by the name of Idris Ghidi came to Sweden from Iraq. Holm met her gaze. which began with KAB. she would not have hesitated. ??That means that Zalachenko was murdered by the Section. we wrote brain haemorrhage resulting from an accident. but I can??t see what your objective is. The picture was from her old byline at Millennium and could be downloaded off the Net. and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Palme??s suitability as Prime Minister had been the object of more than one lunch conversation in the corridors of S.?? ??I??ve been running. Have you identified M?rtensson??s sidekick??? ??He??s unimportant. Could I see them??? Berger set up her laptop on the kitchen table. We chatted for a couple of minutes.?? Figuerola said to no-one in particular. She punched in the code on the street door. What do you know about his role??? ??He??s one of the major players.

The screen went blank. unquote. I??m going to make you so happy. in particular for playing the irascible but honest Inspector Frisk in a wildly popular T. Modig was waiting for him with a cup of black coffee in front of her. She came back with four mugs and the coffee pot. the court will appoint a defence lawyer on your behalf. By 10. He was silent for so long that Figuerola cleared her throat.S. Those are the ones that prompted the hunt for Salander: the deaths of Advokat Bjurman. he had decided that Millennium Publishing would publish Svensson??s text about sex trafficking.?? * Berger went to bed at 11. If you are involved. She could not put her finger on what was wrong. the seat of the County Criminal Police in Western G?taland. We??ll put it out in at the same time as the trial. ??So. At the same instant Anders Berglund knocked on the door. all of which had contained the word ??whore.?? Edklinth said.K.

who had an alcohol problem. You and Magge take off on some fucking job we know nothing about. She??s hiding something.?? ??Right then ?? that??s all. ??It??s a new era. Finally he inserted narrow forceps with serrated jaws. ??Bellona Inc. You won??t. ??Is it something personal between the two of you??? ??You could say that. If Borgsj? was smart. and his job is on the line now too.. ??Nor do I.) He could initiate his own investigations or carry out telephone tapping without having to justify his objective or even report it to a higher level. Jesus Christ?? She looked into the living room and saw that the picture window was shattered and the floor was covered in shattered glass. and Blomkvist had never hesitated if Baksi asked him a favour. but somebody in the newsroom got an email from you. ??What is going to happen now??? ??I??ve ordered complete bedrest and put her physiotherapy on hold ?C she needs therapeutic exercise because of the wounds in her shoulder and hip. ?str?m had looked at the front page and said: ??God Almighty. The missing patrol car was found in Alings?s early this morning.?? ??Aren??t there any positive aspects??? ??Of course there are. The media and the public assumed for the most part that the main function of the Constitutional Protection Unit was to keep track of Nazis and militant vegans.

but completely unsuitable for this case. The electrodes. In 1982 the Palme question arose again when he became Prime Minister for the second time. reading books. which in turn was owned by one Anneli Karlsson. I suspect it??s Holm??s doing.?? ??Maybe so. I??ll take the car and with a little luck I??ll be back in an hour. told him that it was the most sensitive military secret Sweden possessed ?? that there was nothing in Swedish military intelligence that was anywhere near as important.?? She coughed. that is. You can say hello to her and ask her whether she accepts me as her lawyer or not. has been to see me twice in the past few days.?? ??So how is she involved??? ??This is an intricate story. ??You all know Fredrik Clinton.C. and exactly what it is you intend to publish. almost made it on to the Swedish Olympic team. Quite elderly for a murderer. ??So. There were computers now. For three years you??ve been working in S.

She turned it on and searched for connectivity.?? ??I don??t think I??m going to like this.?? ??I notice that you have golf clubs planted here and there around the house. Everything she had written was true.?? the Minister of Justice said.00 she logged on to Hacker Republic and uploaded the list to Plague. the general secretary of the Swedish Helsinki Committee.?? ??It??s very simple. I assume you??re not just sitting there twiddling your thumbs. She knew the text by heart already. I wish he had left a letter.M. Monica pondered this turn of events for a few seconds.K. not for a moment. He had slept through fifteen hours. he would be obliged to take up the matter at least with the leaders of the other two parties in the coalition government.P. including members of the prominent Baksi family. ??I know that. took out a notebook.Tuesday.

Figuerola noted the time. This is probably the first and only time in my professional career that I will reveal the contents of an unpublished story to a police officer. Blomkvist opened the driver??s door a minute later.I.?? Erlander closed his mobile. he has integrity. we have had an analysis group working almost round the clock to discover exactly what happened.?? Modig tilted her head to one side. which he considered a pretty clever idea. Clinton sat up cautiously. As long as you live. ??Pnkllrs. But when it comes to policy he??s going to have to toe the line. It would be a newspaper billboard sensation and there would be volcanic eruptions high up in the government bureaucracy. she would see them. nutters who had the gift to read messages hidden from the normal world. Here too are the original documents from the correspondence between him and Teleborian. He was given a part-time job managing a cleaning crew at Sahlgrenska hospital.?? She stopped and smiled at him.?? Salander was aware of the smell of almonds and ethanol. Vinge never saw eye to eye.?? ??You??d better tell me the whole story.

and clocked in at police headquarters at 8.S. but it ought to be brought into a single investigation. Bonuses should be paid to people who do something to strengthen S. She hobbled to the door and leaned against the wall to catch her breath.. had enormous resources and used a vast network in order to capture a large number of mobile conversations in a certain region simultaneously. But I??ve understood that you??re driven by several factors. I tracked him to Gosseberga. Trinity wrote. yes.?? ??I see what you mean when you say I might land in it up to my neck. ??Am I being arrested??? he said. Write it whenever you like. manager. and had probably saved her life. Ricky. Outside the Section the information was known by the chief of S. Somebody must have made that decision.?? ??This is one hell of an investigation.?? ??And the woman ?? who??s she??? ??Sonja Modig. ??Plague.

P.?? Eriksson burst out laughing.F.?? ??In that case. I must have been hallucinating. listened to her heart and took her pulse. the psychologist at Sahlgrenska who had been made available to trauma patients.?? ??So we have to work out who??s acting against us. Greger. He was on duty until 6. He realized the gravity of the situation. ??Because while Niedermann was out digging a grave for me. As she opened the folder she realized that her procrastination had also to do with the fact that she did not really want to face up to the problem. She remembered still the humiliation she had felt when she saw her walk off down Hornsgatan with Blomkvist the day before New Year??s Eve a year and a half ago..?? The meeting had ended with an agreement that Blomkvist would come to Constitutional Protection the next day to set in train an exchange of information. But this was not going to be of any help to Salander.Thursday. nor had Monika Nilsson. he was unwilling to name his source. and by mid-decade Gullberg had heard several proposals that the budget be reduced.P.

He described his assistant Niedermann.?? ??That??s correct.com company that had the nerve to take the citizen to court. informal suggestion??? Modig said cautiously. she could get fired by S. battle-axe. She had done a risk assessment and pondered his plan. indicated that the secret state police had been transformed into what was described in the memos from the justice department as a modern police organization. The usual.C. Blomkvist looked pleased. She had almost reached Pustegr?nd when the woman appeared. the detectives sat in silence. I can??t do it ?? that would be presumptuous of me. According to the headers the sender was erika. was not much better than S. She spent about two seconds on each message. More diplomatically than that. I don??t know how he??s going to react if they catch him. They could forget about finding a car to take them to Gosseberga. She had received nine emails.K??.

?? ??I need someone for a research job. ??I know that. He was trained in accounting and had begun his career as financial adviser to a Yugoslav who owned a string of bars. a dog collar around her neck. So she??s read it too.I. And don??t rock the boat. The magazine suddenly felt foreign. The killer is Ronald Niedermann. the budget of the Security Police was in excess of 350 million kronor.?? Sandberg said. He was.?? ??I intend to kill this story. He had read about the eccentric journalist in the newspapers. you??re not going to do anything for the moment.?? Wadensj?? was almost beside himself. but usually he just followed through with what other people had already decided.30 on Thursday.?? Zalachenko was suddenly very unsure whether Gullberg was bluffing. and from the conversation Blomkvist gathered that it was a stringer in G?teborg whom Eriksson had sent to Sahlgrenska. If I run into him sometime. I don??t doubt that there are excellent people working in S?po.

we no longer have access to the report. ??I think we??re done. and she had only a vague notion of what they did when they were not on the Net ?C the citizens were uniformly vague about their identities. Have you eaten??? ??It??s 8. We??ve got time. A policeman she thought.?? Blomkvist gave in. Niedermann was a suspect in the murders of Dag Svensson and Mia Johansson. Then she skipped month to month and read only the subject lines.?? ??There is no need to be afraid.?? Salander said in a low voice. Malin Eriksson. there??s been some reassessment of the case. We should contact him and put the question to him directly. and you??re about to expose her chairman. He thought that it was the most important post a Swedish policeman could hold. Why am I not surprised? Berger hesitated for ten seconds.M. For once you??re not an objective reporter. M?rtensson appeared at the corner by the Bishop??s Arms and watched Blomkvist go. Fr?klund cannot find a single reference to Gullberg anywhere.O.

Faste has been out sick since ?? hmm ?? he collapsed in April.57 with Clinton in tow. ??Let??s remember that F?lldin was in power for two separate mandates.?? ??I??d rather you didn??t. But it felt good to be back in the saddle again after so many years of silence from his former employer. ??How??s the headache??? ??I feel it now and then. Niedermann would be safely out of the country. Ekstr?m did not entirely understand.?? ??Quite right. Consequently Blomkvist had no clue whether Salander had revealed that her previous guardian had raped her. you can do up your nightshirt and get into bed. But the free papers.?? the P. Eriksson had only called. Salander hasn??t even been examined. ??Teleborian went straight to Ekstr?m.?? ??I??m happy to have you as my lawyer. She had given up classic gymnastics. ??You didn??t say. / Mikael Salander read his letter twice. And I??m too tired to drive home. Suddenly she remembered having seen Kalle Bastard Blomkvist.

This happened because Bublanski had repeatedly tried to get hold of Bj?rck. Gullberg drew up a list of names that were connected to Palme: Carl Lidbom. 3. out every day. Especially if they discover I??m a policewoman. and went into Kungstornet. He had no idea how long the car had been in his neighbourhood. which reported to the police commission or the justice department. Bambi wrote.?? ??I see. she was a psychopathic mass murderer. Annika Giannini. That??s what this button is for. Figuerola followed her. She wondered where she had put Cortez??s file on Borgsj? and Vitavara Inc. Fermat??s theorem no longer fascinated her. He??s ambitious. Was it Salander who had killed a policeman? The news item was sketchy.?? ??And the third name??? Edklinth said. round man in his fifties with grey hair. but there was no alternative. had knowledge of a crime and thus he had the obligation to submit a report to a prosecutor.

The problem is the familiar one ?C the mother never wanted to make a complaint so it went on for several years.32. She had decided that for once she was going to do as he advised. Blomkvist??s taxi got to Central Station at 3. He was not surprised that she had called to wake him early that morning and put him and Lottie Karim to work. Yes ?? we can prove that there is a conspiracy. ??I decided to turn directly to you because this sort of activity is unconstitutional. Anything else would be unthinkable.?? she said. They??re a reputable manufacturer. She undressed and crept into bed. and that won??t be until August.?? Blomkvist found Berger sound asleep on the sofa-bed in her office. What??s it about??? ??I??ll tell you when I see you. with you??? ??It??s completely O. All the owners live abroad. She put the folder on the windowsill and stretched out in the bath to ponder the situation. it??s the truth. Usually he was cool and analytical. In a few quick steps she crossed the floor. Blomkvist logged in to I. Zalachenko??s answers were much more aggressive and hostile when she asked the questions.

because Gullberg had made specific death threats against Karl Axel Bodin. Teleborian had come into the room again and again to look at her in the glow of the nightlight. ??On your way home??? ??You too. She was given a local anaesthetic and afterwards the wound was sewn up with three stitches.?? Wadensj?? turned to Gullberg. Criminal Inspector Holmberg.?? Berger said. or Malm?. If a storm was brewing. Kurdo??? ??Of course. But that??s only if we can control Ekstr?m. He sat in the visitor??s chair and looked at the Russian defector who had been such an intimate part of his own life for so many years. When she did say something. but I hoped you might be able to give me private lessons. they had made it clear to him that Zalachenko and the Section were going their separate ways. There was something in one of the pockets. Outgoing calls were particularly hard to identify. There??s a small kitchen alcove at the far end on the right. Which means that she doesn??t intend to. The selection was scarcely based on any statistical. getting up. If he won??t say anything.

?? the P. He had succeeding in gathering some forensic evidence linking Niedermann to the murders of Svensson and Johansson. Since R. Under Berger??s leadership the magazine had always been a collective. Bj?rck had not acted alone. After some palaver over jurisdiction between Str?ngn?s and S?dert?lje. was sent out to get some food. 10.?? ??Stuff and nonsense. Trinity had a van with thirty kilos of electronic equipment. Somehow ?C we??re not sure how it happened ?C she found out that her sister knew where Zalachenko was. but I??m responsible for her. for which you bear the primary responsibility. but in sixteen hours he could have been in Finland. Late on the evening of the fifth day. That would be placing myself in the same relation to you as the Minister of Justice??s predecessor once stood to the journalist Ebbe Carlsson. Nor had Berger any thought of taking the story with her. I especially like the way he wrote in the margin. that is. But if you want to win.?? she said to the P. Bates had taken more than 200 photographs of the community and created a gallery of small thumbnails.

Lisbeth??? Go away. She was a suspect in all three murders.?? She gave him a long look. Exactly how high up the conspiracy went he had no idea. This character Zalachenko ?? what can our colleagues from Stockholm tell us about him??? ??The truth is. During that period the foundation was laid for the ??register of political opinions.?? he snapped. Could we meet? Erika And then two emails on the following days: Dearest. don??t you think??? ??Well.U. Usually the Sheraton. but they had no facts.v ?C MONDAY. Trinity was the other.?? ??Why did they pick me then??? Berger said. and Ola Ullsten came in. As soon as Ekstr?m left police headquarters. I??ll be starting at another publication. and came to a website somewhere on the Internet that contained the sixteen gigabytes of Ekstr?m??s hard drive. and she went through every public register she could find. ??Turn the print over.?? ??I??m still a member of Millennium??s board.

P. Torstensson was still alive.?? ??That certainly seems to be true in your case.m. So it would be a good thing if he were killed by the police. ??And to be able to persuade him to keep his mouth shut. The layout was not perfect. Editor-in-Chief She printed a copy of the email and then pressed send so that the message went out to all employees in the company.?? ??What sort of strategy had you in mind??? ??Herr Zalachenko ?? I??m afraid that a process has been set in motion in which the deleterious effects are hard to foresee. She had not booked a hotel room. ??You do know that I could get into very deep water for this. I didn??t know that.?? ??So you??re saying that Salander isn??t exactly what she seems to be. One bullet had entered the outer side of her hip and gone straight through the muscle tissue. ??What happened??? he said.P. Comes from Norrland and is in fact a specialist in crime scene investigation. so that Millennium??s office was always staffed and someone slept there every night. ??How long do I have to lie here like this??? ??You mean in the hospital? It will be at the least a couple of weeks before we can let you go. And to prove anything they??d have to get hold of our archives. Gullberg stared at it with distaste.?? ??I??m driving.

I??d like to leave these flowers for Karl Axel Bodin. Then he stood up. In that sense. Hello. they were surprised to see me there. ??Thanks. political parties. Swedish workers were already out of that race in the ??90s. Zalachenko is dead. He says that the resistance consisted of a forceful verbal attempt to prevent Torstensson and Ingemarsson from going to pick up Niedermann alone. He would not have thought any more about it except that he spotted the same car a few hours later when he was having lunch with Cortez and Eriksson at Medborgarplatsen. You may not question her unless I am present. but we do know that he was with the Zalachenko club in 2005 ?? We??ve actually speculated a bit that he might be the man with M?rtensson in the pictures from Caf?? Copacabana. and second. and G. worked primarily on incoming calls to Ekstr?m. ??Well. ??Died in the early ??90s.?? Gullberg nodded. ??Now we know. eleven days after the meeting with the Prime Minister. blood pressure is 100/70.

They??re the last people he??d want to run into. He needs your keys if you??re not going to be home. in such appalling circumstances. Gullberg??s only job was Zalachenko. ??Hi. Zalachenko knew that he could take liberties and that they would resolve whatever problems there might be. I don??t want to guess what it would cost with fries and a Coke. The focus has shifted to Niedermann. He glanced down at her briefcase as the nurse checked Giannini??s I. Pippi and the password is p9i2p7p7i.C. Some are embedded in the brain tissue. but nevertheless I don??t want to know any more than I already do about the content of the next two issues. Was he alive or dead? She could not clearly remember what had happened with Niedermann. I beg you not to reject me. and Bublanski was feeling an intense desire to reach out and grab the copy of The Law of the Swedish Kingdom that lay on the edge of Ekstr?m??s desk and ram it into the prosecutor??s face. replaced by new technology ?? but the number of reporters contributing to copy was reduced by 48 during that period.?? ??And you reckon that he??s S?po. The Soviet Union had ceased to exist and Zalachenko??s usefulness was definitively on the wane. where would he be??? ??He??s a German citizen. ??Maybe I should get some training in some other field. I don??t think that.

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