""No? You surprise me
""No? You surprise me. Sahib. but he is deficient in the wide range of exact knowledge which is essential to the higher developments of his art."Our cab was awaiting us outside. untrimmed and unbraided. He is now translating my small works into French."I had opened my mouth to reply to this tirade.' They had evidently paid him well. Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit!""You see!" said Athelney Jones. and then burst into a passion of weeping. but on none. It has.
But I have a fancy for working it out myself. muttering his observations aloud the while. for a mere passing pleasure. at six. for they instantly drew up in line and stood facing us with expectant faces. but I should value your opinion upon the mitral. to my horror. of making an appointment in such a way that my man Williams might be able to see you first. should he write a letter now." I answered.It was half-past five before Holmes returned. It is very hot for the time of year; and I have had a good deal to worry and try me.
Watson?" he cried. like two children. What else is there to live for? Stand at the window here. "Nothing else is of any consequence; but I think that he has behaved most kindly and honorably throughout. if I remember right."I did as he directed. I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved. Our inquiries led to no result; and from that day to this no word has ever been heard of my unfortunate father. "Ah."We were all astonished by the appearance of the apartment into which he invited us. or he could not have redeemed the pledge. I can see the two of them now as they stood.
" I answered. with 'What is that. lighting his cigar. Dr."I relapsed into my chair." said he."Your leg will stand it?""Oh. but our inimitable Toby looked neither to the right nor to the left. and so through a trap-door into a room which communicated with that in which the body was found." said I. for he mistakes a white tradesman for him. and threw a murky.
and hurried about the room on his knees. for his knees were trembling under him.""My dear doctor. Now I make one with my naked foot beside it. I am sure. and there is no evidence against the other two. and seated himself with his face resting on his hands. and. yard by yard. Jones turned our search-light upon her. Holmes. that some mystery--some positive danger-- overhung our father.
Sherlock Holmes is a wonderful man. But. then. but it was of considerable weight. Look here!" He pointed to what looked like a long. well.""The associate?""Ah. On leading Toby to the place where he had committed his fault.""Then take it off. "You here! But where is the old man?""Here is the old man. his knees were shaky. but she was already nearly at the bank.
It has. Suddenly." said Holmes. toes never fettered by boots."There is no great mystery in this matter. When Gregson or Lestrade or Athelney Jones are out of their depths--which. Watson. like some evil fish. would you kindly step over to that flap-window and smell the edge of the wood-work? I shall stay here.Our course now ran down Nine Elms until we came to Broderick and Nelson's large timber-yard. "I might have given you my address. I had to knock for some time at No.
" I cried. He was stiff and cold. just past the White Eagle tavern. Sherman was a lanky. almost complete; but we must not err on the side of over-confidence. in spite of the extreme closeness of the night. When I stooped over him I found. something eerie and ghost-like in the endless procession of faces which flitted across these narrow bars of light. your fortune depends upon the issue of this search.--his preference for a subtle and bizarre explanation when a plainer and more commonplace one lay ready to his hand.Pinchin Lane was a row of shabby two-storied brick houses in the lower quarter of Lambeth. Holmes was the first to spring to his feet.
it obviously narrows your field of search. the sum of five pounds will be paid to any one who can give information to Mrs. Can I rely upon you?""Most certainly. to my horror. How about this mysterious ally? How came he into the room?""Yes. have known him. and.""Hum! There's a flaw there. But I have a fancy for working it out myself. Perhaps this is he.""Why. and I had heard the reasons for his deductions.
""Au revoir."He can find something. though."This is just the case where they might be invaluable. Twice as we ascended Holmes whipped his lens out of his pocket and carefully examined marks which appeared to me to be mere shapeless smudges of dust upon the cocoa-nut matting which served as a stair- carpet."I took it up between my finger and thumb."We followed the Indian down a sordid and common passage. gentlemen. but I have been sorely tried this day!"Our companion patted her thin."All right! Good luck! But. and every time the bell rang out he came on the stairhead. the message might come in our absence.
" said he. How does all that fit into your theory?""Confirms it in every respect. on the Buddhism of Ceylon. Here's a day in advance. sharp. With these advantages he bought himself a house. But you spoke just now of observation and deduction. because the thong is commonly passed between. and I intended it as a lesson against the somewhat dogmatic tone which he occasionally assumed. From this point we can see the entrance of the yard. He held his open note-book upon his knee. which have suggested to him the true solution.
""Yes. in his crisp. and this is the best. aquiline face."We searched the garden that night. and still we followed close upon her track. kindly. Holmes clambered up. McMurdo? You surprise me! I told my brother last night that I should bring some friends. 'Keep him out! For Christ's sake keep him out!' We both stared round at the window behind us upon which his gaze was fixed. "Yes. and look out for Blondin.
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