Thursday, August 26, 2010

When Illness Hits Home

If you're a parent and get bad news from the doctor, your first question may be, "Am I going

to live?" But the second is probably, "What do I tell my kids?"

For most people, the honest answer is, "Not a thing." A dire diagnosis takes your breath and

your words away. It's a reaction that's natural, understandable, even wise. But silence

shouldn't be your final answer—because it won't protect your children.

"From a very young age, children are attuned to their parents' moods," says Paula Rauch, MD,

founder of Parenting at a Challenging Time, a counseling service at Massachusetts General

Hospital in Boston that helps moms and dads discuss illness with their children. "They sense

your worry even if you don't actually voice it.

"Our culture severely underestimates how many families are living with serious illness,"

adds Rauch, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "One in three

women with breast cancer has children under 18. These days, people are able to live longer

with chronic diseases, and they're having children later in life. Everyone needs to know how

to talk to kids about illness. Everyone."

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Here's what to say—and what to avoid—to help your child feel safer during a scary time.

You: Have a health test coming up, and the results may not be good.

DO: Keep your kids in the loop. Let your child know that planned tests are making you

nervous. Kids relate to dreading a doctor's visit—that makes it easier to communicate how

you feel without unduly worrying them. You might say: "You've probably noticed that I've

been coughing. Dr. Bailey wants me to get some tests. As soon as I find out what's what, Dad

and I will let you know."

DON'T: Allow your children to find out about your worries by overhearing you. The worst way

to hear about something is to overhear it, says Rauch. You won't be able to give your child

any context—and she's likely to assume that something that can't be spoken about directly

must be very scary.

You: Receive a frightening diagnosis.

DO: Start by sharing the simple stuff. Tell your child the name of your illness and the

tests you're having—then let her guide the talk. "You can flood a kid with details and do

nothing but muddy the waters," says Rauch. "Find out your child's worries and address them."

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