Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:105 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 0:42:16
If you've been around the personal growth world at all you've probably used a few affirmations to improve your experience of life. Affirmations are positive self talk statements like "I am healthy," "I am happy", "I am a winner" and so on.
The promise of affirmations is that you can use them to reprogram limiting thoughts and beliefs and thereby transform your life. For some people they really do seem to work.
But did you ever wonder why affirmations don't seem to work for everyone? I know I have.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about that question and reflecting on my own experience (which is a lot) in using affirmations.
What I've come up with in simple terms is that affirmations are entirely powerless unless you are able to experience how the words of a given affirmation make you feel. Words are powerful only to the extent that they stimulate emotion. Another way to say this is affirmations are only of value if they move you to feel.
I believe that part of the reason for this is that emotions, unlike thoughts, are always in the present moment. And the present is where the power is. It is simply impossible to feel in the future or the past.
On a practical level that means to succeed with affirmations you must experience the feelings that the words evoke inside of you. This involves dropping from your the busyness of thoughts and into your body.
Here's an example of how I do it. I'm currently working with an abundance affirmation that I use whenever I spend money. It goes something like this:
After I hand over the bills or use my credit card I say,
"Wow! What an amazing creation I have just experienced. I appreciate receiving what I have just paid for and express this appreciation from the Infinite Abundance that is my natural state. I know that my supply only expands and returns to me multiplied."
Now, when I say these words, if I stay in my thoughts, I hear all kinds of objections like, "that's crazy" or "this will never work." So instead I slow down and experience what the words make me feel and then I am totally peaceful and happy. That is where the power is so I take a few moments to enjoy it.
What's great about using affirmations in this way is that in the moment I'm feeling, I don't care about the past or the future. I'm not saying these words to get anywhere, change anything or improve myself. I'm only experiencing how they make me feel now.
In that sense, is it possible to say that the affirmation is "working?" I think so, because in that moment I am free from worry about money, health, or anything else. I'm just feeling good. And when I string together moment after moment like this, the past disappears and the imaginary future always takes care of itself.
Easier said than done, I know. But I think all of us get plenty of opportunities every day to practice.
I hope I've explained my perspective on affirmations without sounding too "airy fairy."
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